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Jackman Decorative Concrete   Callan , Co. Kilkenny

Robert Jackman Decorative Concrete.

Based in Callan Co. Kilkenny.

We specialise in Stencilcrete and Covacrete.  Stencilcrete is a decorative concrete system which can recreate an attractive brick paver, cobblestone or tile appearance.  The effect is achieved by applying colours and patterns to freshly laid wet concrete.  Covacretre is a concrete resuracing system that is changing the face of concrete and will transform dull old areas of concrete into works of art.  For a free quotoation contact Robert on 0868222717 Serving all areas of County Kilkenny, Waterford and Tipperary. Years of Experience from a Professional contact Robert Today!

Address: Main Street, Callan, Co.Kilkenny
Contact: 0868222717

Jackman Decorative Concrete

Callan, Co.Kilkenny
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More North From 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway Mountain View, CA 94043