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Massage Clonmel - Pain, Deep Tissue, Sports,

Health And Beauty

BODYBASICS is a dedicated Massage Therapy Clinic located in Cahir Town Centre. It specialises in established massage treatments in a setting that encourages and promotes the positive medical benefits of traditional massage, with an emphasis on pain relief, sports massage and deep tissue massage. Tel: 052 744 34 35. Our mission it to assist where possible the relief of physical pain or discomfort with the proper and correct application of massage techniques. Generally our services may be summarised as above, namely, deep tissue, remedial, sports and therapeutic massage for the relief of muscle pain and related injuries - Neck shoulder leg lower back pain etc Massage can address many complaints, sometimes as a once off treatment, a series of treatments or continued treatments over time. We welcome all visits, telephone calls or e-mails to discuss how massage can be usefully applied to a particular ailment or condition. Phone 052 – 744 34 35 or e-mail



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BODYBASICS is a dedicated Massage Therapy Clinic located in Cahir Town Centre. It specialises in established massage treatments in a setting that encourages and promotes the positive medical benefits of traditional massage, with an emphasis on pain relief, sports massage and deep tissue massage. Tel: 052 744 34 35. Our mission it to assist where possible the relief of physical pain or discomfort with the proper and correct application of massage techniques. Generally our services may be summarised as above, namely, deep tissue, remedial, sports and therapeutic massage for the relief of muscle pain and related injuries - Neck shoulder leg lower back pain etc Massage can address many complaints, sometimes as a once off treatment, a series of treatments or continued treatments over time. We welcome all visits, telephone calls or e-mails to discuss how massage can be usefully applied to a particular ailment or condition. Phone 052 – 744 34 35 or e-mail

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